FF #6
Weekend international telephone call.
After some pleasantries with the mater and discussion about recipes I'm trying, it's the pater's turn.
“Have you booked your tickets yet?”
Yes, I had and I would be spending three weeks with them.
“That’d be another 56 days, then,” he calculates.
There appears to be some quick parental consultation at the other end, and he continues, “Incidentally, your mother and I wanted to discuss something else as well. You see, you have been living in Germany for a year and a half now; you are earning well.... If you give us the green signal, maybe we could... you know, talk to people and find a suitable…”
No, I won’t go for arranged marriages, I firmly convey.
“Ah!” There is more urgent parental discussion, and, “That is wonderful news! There isn’t much time left, but if you give us the details, maybe we can contact her folks, and who knows, it might even be possible to have the ceremony during your visit, or at least the registration for now!” I hear excited giggling from the mater.
I rapidly recover and stutter that there’s no one in mind, and that I would have to go out now; we’d talk again next weekend.
I sit motionless, my palms and soles are cold. Their excitement scares me.
I’d have to tell them at some point, I guess I owe them that.
Weekend international telephone call.
After some pleasantries with the mater and discussion about recipes I'm trying, it's the pater's turn.
“Have you booked your tickets yet?”
Yes, I had and I would be spending three weeks with them.
“That’d be another 56 days, then,” he calculates.
There appears to be some quick parental consultation at the other end, and he continues, “Incidentally, your mother and I wanted to discuss something else as well. You see, you have been living in Germany for a year and a half now; you are earning well.... If you give us the green signal, maybe we could... you know, talk to people and find a suitable…”
No, I won’t go for arranged marriages, I firmly convey.
“Ah!” There is more urgent parental discussion, and, “That is wonderful news! There isn’t much time left, but if you give us the details, maybe we can contact her folks, and who knows, it might even be possible to have the ceremony during your visit, or at least the registration for now!” I hear excited giggling from the mater.
I rapidly recover and stutter that there’s no one in mind, and that I would have to go out now; we’d talk again next weekend.
I sit motionless, my palms and soles are cold. Their excitement scares me.
I’d have to tell them at some point, I guess I owe them that.
15 Jun 2016
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